samedi 28 février 2015

Convert Emberjs recordArray model to JSON

Disclaimer: I am new to Ember.

With that being said, I am trying to convert an Ember recordArray to a JSON string so that I can send it to my server for processing.

I have the following Ember model:

Loads.Load = DS.Model.extend({
pickupStartTime: DS.attr('string'),
pickupEndTime: DS.attr('string'),
pickupLocation: DS.attr('string'),
pickupGeocode: DS.attr('string'),
pickupWeight: DS.attr('number'),
pickupTicket: DS.attr('string'),
dropoffStartTime: DS.attr('string'),
dropoffEndTime: DS.attr('string'),
dropoffLocation: DS.attr('string'),
dropoffGeocode: DS.attr('string'),
dropoffWeight: DS.attr('number'),
dropoffTicket: DS.attr('string'),
commodity: DS.attr('string'),
isCompleted: DS.attr('boolean'),
shortPickupStartTime: function(){
var time = this.get('pickupStartTime');
var split = time.split(" ");
return split[4];
return " ";
shortPickupEndTime: function(){
var time = this.get('pickupEndTime');
var split = time.split(" ");
return split[4];
return " ";
var time = this.get('dropoffStartTime');
var split = time.split(" ");
return split[4];
return " ";
shortDropoffEndTime: function(){
var time = this.get('dropoffEndTime');
var split = time.split(" ");
return split[4];
return " ";

I have the following action in my controller:

var self = this;

//loads is an array of records
}).then(function (data) {
type: "POST",
data: { Loads: JSON.stringify(data.loads) },
url: "api/buildexcelsheet",
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (message) {
self.set('uri', message);

When I run this action from the controller I get the following error:

Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

Since I'm new to Ember, I'm unsure as to what I'm doing wrong.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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