jeudi 26 février 2015

Ember-Model with custom serializer

I have a project that uses Ember-Model. I cannot get the custom attributes I defined for a model to work. How can I access the date and time properties from the custom DateTime attribute I have made? This custom attribute is used on the active_date property used in the Model.

Here's a Fiddle to my code:

Please don't just suggest I use Ember-Data. Ember-Model is already in place and I just want to understand what the Custom Attributes do, and how to use them.

Here's my JavaScript:

App = Ember.Application.create();

var DateTime = {
dateStr: '',
timeStr: '',

serialize: function(string) {
var pieces = string.split('T');

this.dateStr = pieces[0];
this.hours = pieces[1].replace('Z','').split(':')[0];
this.minutes = pieces[1].replace('Z','').split(':')[1];

return {
date: this.dateStr,
time: this.hours + ':' + this.minutes

deserialize: function(string) {
return this.dateStr + 'T' + this.hours + ':' + this.minutes + 'Z';

App.TheModel = Ember.Model.extend({
name: Ember.attr(),
date: Ember.attr(DateTime)

var JSON_DATA = {
"name": "John",
"active_date": "2015-01-22T01:30Z"
}; {
this.resource('index', {path: '/'});

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.TheModel.create(JSON_DATA);

Here's my template:

<script type="text/x-handlebars">

<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="index">
<h1>Index Template!!!{{active_date}}</h1>
<p>name = {{name}}</p>
<p>active_date = {{active_date}}</p>
<p> = {{}}</p>
<p>active_date.time = {{active_date.time}}</p>

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