mardi 24 février 2015

Prevent further action executions

I've got a list of downloads in a blog-posts. Upon clicking on the link I'm incrementing a downloads downloadcount property. In order to prevent further executions I've got this Item-Controller download. For some reasons alreadyIncreased is always false even on consecutive executions of the actions. Why is that?

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({

alreadyIncreased: false,

actions: {
incDownload: function() {

if (this.get('alreadyIncreased') === false){
this.set('alreadyIncreased', true)


This is the template:

{{#each download in post.downloads itemController="" }}
<a {{ action "incDownload" }}>
{{ }}
</a> - {{ download.downloadcount }} Hits

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