mercredi 25 février 2015

Will using javascript framework for my website be an overkill?

I have a website that is similar along the lines of a blog/news website in a niche area. Presently, it has hundreds of articles and I would like to add more user interactive features such as a newsletter subscription, search box, community forum, quizzes, commenting system for the posts etc.

Also, since the website has so many articles, I want to start managing them better like implementing common header and footer, adding dynamic content etc. The website gets several thousand visitors a day and is poised to increase.

I built the website from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and Javascript/Jquery. The website is deployed using google app engine and PHP. Since I am also a web developer, I am really keen on learning one of the javascript frameworks such as emberjs/angularjs etc. I am aware that several news websites use these frameworks to better manage their websites.

Will using frameworks be an overkill for my website? Is it okay to use any one of these frameworks only for specific features such as search box, newsletter etc.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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