jeudi 29 septembre 2016

Using computed properties on page load

First, my current versions:

Ember      : 2.8.1
Ember Data : 2.8.1
jQuery     : 3.1.1

I'm using query params in a controller. If a user goes to assignments?strm=1292, the strm, computed term, and computed filteredClusters will be called. However, the filteredClusters will be empty on the initial page load (e.g. I navigate to /assignments?strm=1292 using my browser). It is only after the selectStrm action is called to update the strm query param that filteredClusters will start returning results.

My assignments index controller is listed below:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  queryParams: ['strm', 'cluster', 'title'],
  strm: null,
  cluster: null,
  title: null,

  term: Ember.computed('strm', function() {
    var strm = this.get('strm');
    var terms = this.get('model.terms');

    return strm ? terms.filterBy('strm', strm)[0] : null;

  filteredClusters: Ember.computed('term', 'model', function() {
    var term = this.get('term');
    var clusters = this.get('model.clusters');

    if(term) {
      return clusters.filter( (cluster, index, clusters) => {
        var terms = cluster.get('terms');

        return terms.mapBy('strm').includes(term.get('strm'));
    } else {
      return clusters;

  actions: {
    selectStrm: function(strms) {
      var strm = strms[0];
      this.set('strm', strm);

What can I do to get filteredClusters loaded on the initial page load?

Thank you for any and all information.

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