lundi 17 octobre 2016

Ember 2, calculate subTotal with many async relationships levels

These are my files:



export default DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  house: DS.belongsTo('house', { async: true }),
  boxes: DS.hasMany('box', { async: true })


export default DS.Model.extend({
  qty: DS.attr('number'),
  basket: DS.belongsTo('basket'),
  cartLines: DS.hasMany('cart-line', { async: true })


export default DS.Model.extend({
  qty: DS.attr('number'),
  box: DS.belongsTo('box'),
  product: DS.belongsTo('product')


export default DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  price: DS.attr('number')



export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model(params) {
    return Ember.RSVP.hash({
      basket:'basket', params.basket_id),
  setupController(controller, models) {



export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  subTotal: Ember.computed('boxes.@each.cartLines', function () {
    return this.products.reduce((price, product) => {
      var total = price + product.get('price');
      return total;
    }, 0);


Which is the best Ember way for calculate subTotal? Now, with code below, Ember gives me the subTotal but just in console.log(tot) and after the promises! Why this? How can I wait the promises? I don't understand what to do:

subTotal: Ember.computed('basket.boxes.@each.cartLines', function () {
  let count = 0;
  console.log('subTotal called: ', count);
  // It should be 0 ever
  count = count + 1;

  return this.get('basket.boxes').then(boxes => {
    boxes.forEach(box => {
      box.get('cartLines').then(cartLines => {
        cartLines.reduce(function (tot, value) {
          console.log('tot:', tot + value.get('product.price'));
          return tot + value.get('product.price');
        }, 0);

It gives me in template [object Object], I'm also using in hbs and in console it gives me this:

subTotal called:  0
ember.debug.js:10095 Class {__ember1476746185015: "ember802", __ember_meta__: Meta}
subTotal called:  0
ember.debug.js:10095 Class {__ember1476746185015: "ember934", __ember_meta__: Meta}
ember.debug.js:10095 Class {isFulfilled: true, __ember1476746185015: "ember934", __ember_meta__: Meta}
subTotal called:  0
ember.debug.js:10095 Class {__ember1476746185015: "ember1011", __ember_meta__: Meta}
ember.debug.js:10095 Class {isFulfilled: true, __ember1476746185015: "ember1011", __ember_meta__: Meta}
tot: 3.5
tot: 6
tot: 13.5
tot: 21
tot: 24.5
tot: 27
tot: 3.5
tot: 6
tot: 13.5
tot: 21
tot: 24.5
tot: 27
tot: 3.5
tot: 6
tot: 13.5
tot: 21
tot: 24.5
tot: 27

Why it shows three times subTotal called: 0, no matter if there are zero or one or a thousand products. He always calls three times subTotal called: 0, why?

I'm newbie, so I'm studying and makings mistakes. Sorry.

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