jeudi 27 octobre 2016

In Ember, how can I run common code before each component test?

When I generated my app, a module-for-acceptance.js was created in test/helpers. To specify code that I want to run before each acceptance test, I know that I can put it inside the beforeEach function in there.

How can I go about doing the same thing for component tests?

Just to make sure it is clear - I'm talking about wanting to run the same code before each test, so I don't want to put it in the beforeEach hook in each individual test file's call to moduleForComponent.

In case it helps, the code I want to run is from the ember-cli-custom-assertions addon. I just want to specify in one place that assertionInjector should be called before every component test, rather than specifying it in every file that uses a custom assertion.

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