lundi 24 octobre 2016

EmberJs - Linking to mutiple dynamic routes, mutiple nested levels

To link to record you can use something like this in your route:

  this.route('clients', function() {

So if the user were to go to: /clients/all/view/-KdFmDwwWAHDFjjaG6aA

They could view that client record.

Is it possible to go deeper? For example: /clients/all/view/-KdFmDwwWAHDFjjaG6aA/property/-KdFeTqqUIKLFqbaP9aB


That way you could be looking at a specific client record and then launch an overlay for example to show the specifics on a single property that client has for sale?

I'm not sure how to structure the router or the link-to to accomplish this?

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