mercredi 26 octobre 2016

EmberJS 2 route dynamic segment in not nested routes undefined

Really new to ember and trying to setup basic (in my mind) routes.

I have calendars resource and I want to display individual calendars.

My app/router.js has the following:

this.route('calendar', {path: 'calendars/:calendar_id'}, function () {
this.route('calendars', function(){

Folders are as following:

app/routes: [
  calendars: [create, index],
  calendar: [edit, show]
app/templates: [
  calendars: [create, index]
  calendar: [edit, show]

In app/routes/calendar/show.js:

import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
    model(params) {
        return'calendar', params.calendar_id);

Problems start when I go to http://SERVER/calendars/5/show (5 is a :calendar_id part, SERVER is what hosts ember app) :

  • when I log params - they are undefined
  • In dev tools I see that Ember somehow makes a POST request to my server as http://SERVER/calendars/5 (a :calendar_id part, SERVER is on same domain and where my back-end resides).
  • This happens regardless if I comment out model() function in app/routes/calendar/show.js file.
  • Apparently Ember knows what calendar_id to use for that request.
  • But I don't know where that call to the server happens:

    • If I comment out model(){} altogether, my template renders model record (the calendar record that Ember fetches).
    • If I on the other hand try to log params in model() and I comment out part out, the model is not set and params are undefined.
  • I thought at first that it is my DS.RESTAdapter since I have defined updateRecord changes to fake PUT request (my server does not allow that), but I commented out the whole file and it still does this query.

  • I've cleaned both dist/, tmp/, upgraded to 2.9.0, but it does the same thing.
  • I have no controllers defined

How does Ember make POST request if model() hook is missing from route, I have no controllers difined. Also how do I fix it so that it works? ;p

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