mardi 1 août 2017

torii & emberfire authentication close session if doesn't contain specific domain

I just added torii and emberfire to my ember project. The issue is at this point any user with a google account can authenticate and use the app. I want to check the returned data for and only grant access to users with emails from 2 specific domains. I've read the docs and attempted changing the signin action with no luck. Not sure the best way to handle this.


<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 text-center">
        <h1 class="welcomeHeading">WELCOME TO UTILITY BELT</h1>
          <p class="lead flash-msg"></p>
            <span>Currently logged in as </span><br/> 
            <a class="btn btn-md btn-danger signout" >Sign out</a>
            <a  class="btn btn-danger btn-md">Click to Sign In </a>

application.js route file

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({  
    beforeModel: function() {
    return this.get('session').fetch().catch(function() {

  actions: {  
        signIn: function(provider) {
        this.get('session').open('firebase', {
            provider: provider
        }).then(function(data) {
            if('domain1') < 0 &'domain2') < 0){
                let correctDomain = false;
                return correctDomain;
                let correctDomain = true;
                return correctDomain;

        signOut: function() {

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