vendredi 27 mars 2015

Embedded json model with one-to-one relationship

I searched for a clear explanation on how this works but was not able to find one yet. I'm looking for a clear and detailed explanation with the assumption that I'm a total newbie with all these frameworks.

So here's my problem, I'm writing an app with frontend using Ember.js (with Ember-cli) and backend under Play-framework in Java. I'm trying to get my frontend to digest some json coming out from my API. Here's the json :

"buildings": [
"id": 0,
"createdDateTime": "2015-03-27T06:39:19.913Z",
"address": {
"id": 1,
"city": "City",
"civicNumber": 1287,
"country": "Canada",
"postalZipCode": "G1Q1Q9",
"provinceOrState": "QC",
"streetName": "A Street Name"
"cost": 1000000,
"earnings": 2300,
"mainPicturePath": "",
"type": "DUPLEX",
"yearOfBuilt": 1998
"id": 1,
"createdDateTime": "2015-03-27T06:39:19.935Z",
"address": {
"id": 2,
"city": "City",
"civicNumber": 1289,
"country": "Canada",
"postalZipCode": "G1Q1Q9",
"provinceOrState": "QC",
"streetName": "A Street Name"
"cost": 980000,
"earnings": 670,
"mainPicturePath": "",
"type": "TRIPLEX",
"yearOfBuilt": 1980

And here's my emberjs code :

export default DS.Model.extend({
type: DS.attr('string'),
address: DS.belongsTo('address', {embedded: 'always'}),
cost: DS.attr('number'),
yearOfBuilt: DS.attr('number'),
earnings: DS.attr('number'),
createdDateTime: DS.attr('date'),
mainPicturePath: DS.attr('string')

export default DS.Model.extend({
civicNumber: DS.attr('number'),
streetName: DS.attr('string'),
city: DS.attr('string'),
provinceOrState: DS.attr('string'),
country: DS.attr('string'),
postalZipCode: DS.attr('string'),
building: DS.belongsTo('building', {embedded: 'always'})

export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
attrs: {
address: {embedded: 'always'}

This doesn't throw any errors and works fine. The problem is, I don't fully understand the code for the embedded object address in building (I do understand how the DS models, the export from ember-cli and the belongsTo work). Could someone explains me in details how does it works (the RESTSerializer with EmbeddedRecordsMixin, the {embedded: 'always'} attribute and the other available options)? Any clarifications will be more than appreciated.

Lets also bring this to the next level, say I do not want to have an id for each address since they should never be used more than once (cannot have 2 buildings at the same address). How would I achieve that? Maybe I will store the address in the same record of my building object in the db and don't want an extra table for addresses. Based on these solutions, what would be the best approach (feel free to propose better solution if you have)?

Please be advised that I have already read the following links :

Thank you!

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