jeudi 26 mars 2015

Sharing common functionality between two controllers, the Ember.js 2.0 way

Right now, I have a resource providers and I have an index and I have a route 'show' for it along with a few routes called few other routes for listing different users. Here's the full file ->
@resource 'admin', ->
@resource 'admin.providers', { path: '/providers' }, ->
@route 'show'
@route 'unapproved'
@route 'approved'
@route 'pending'

The thing is the index is simply a combination of unapproved, approved and pending pages and each is fetched using a single model with different type arguments

My initial set up direction was to create components (trying to do things Ember 2.0 way and avoid all Views) so I created unapproved-pro, approved-pro and so on which used ember-table to display things in a table. I thought I would be making these components self-sufficient, so that they would fetch the data, get next page and also other actions (like delete, or update)

Now from reading around ( , I need to supply the components with models and also keep the logic for pagination and other actions in the controllers. Which is fine. Here's the issue;

My index page is a duplication of unapproved and approved pages. Exempt for maybe the number of rows that are visible in the table. If I put certain logics like 'approve' of a provider then I would have to do this logic both for the index controller and also for the pending controller. How can I share these functionalities while keeping it DRY?

Quick note, I did originally thought that I was going to able to create self-contained components that would handle all these actions. So everything related to an unapproved_pro would be self contained in that component so that I could drop it in anywhere. And I still think this might be a valid options.

This question was cross-posted to the ember discussion page at

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