jeudi 26 mars 2015

Ember One to Many relation causing unknown error on console

I'm new to Ember so sorry if it's my wrong doing.

I have an app that was working fine but now I want to connect one of the tables to another in a One to Many relation (one Animal to many ClinicalEpisodes)

Animal model:

App.Animal = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
clinicalEpisodes: DS.hasMany('App.ClinicalEpisode',{async:true})

Clinical Episodes model:

App.ClinicalEpisode = DS.Model.extend({
animal: DS.belongsTo('App.Animal'),
clinicalEpisodeType: DS.belongsTo('App.ClinicalEpisode'),
observations: DS.attr('string'),

And when I try to transition to my create template for animals which as always been working I get "unknown problem" in the console and the transition is aborted.

I've tried:

clinicalEpisodes: DS.hasMany('App.ClinicalEpisode',{async:true})


clinicalEpisodes: DS.hasMany('clinicalEpisode',{async:true})

Both give the same error.

Any idea why this is happenning? Do I have to change the routes or controllers for this relation to work?

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