I'm trying to load some remote templates using 1.11 beta 4 and am running into an error when ember-template-compiler tried to compile the template. It throws the "A block may only be used inside an HTML element or another block" exception. I am compiling the template with:
var compiledTemplate = Ember.Handlebars.compile(templateText);
Has anyone seen this before? The template is:
<p{{#id}} id="{{id}}"{{/id}} data-name="{{name}}" class="flag {{#alert}}{{type}} {{type}}-input{{/alert}} {{styleClass}}{{^alert}} hide{{/alert}}"><span{{#id}} id="{{alertSevId}}"{{/id}} class="alertSeverity icon">{{#alert}}{{type}}{{/alert}}</span><span{{#id}} id="{{alertMsgId}}"{{/id}} class="alertMessage">{{#alert}}{{message}}{{/alert}}</span></p>
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