mercredi 25 mars 2015

Nested objects of same type ember data

I am trying to model the scenario below.

import DS from 'ember-data';
Type2 = DS.Model.extend({
value1: DS.attr('boolean'),
value2: DS.attr('boolean'),
value3: DS.attr('boolean')
Type1 = DS.Model.extend({
field1: DS.belongsTo('Type2'),
field2: DS.belongsTo('Type2')

  1. In the model above it seems like the the parent -Type1 - does not get updated when I change a field in any of child - Type2 - objects.

  2. What structure will the Json that is returned from the server have to be?

  3. The documentation needs to be more descriptive because relationships are very common. Otherwise, the framework is nice. Good job.


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