lundi 23 mai 2016

Ember: Content Security Policy violation - Issue while fetching data through REST service

I am not getting data from Rest Get service url in ember(I am getting data when I hit service via browser and Rest client). When I checked the console, I found that it is listed as blocked-uri. How can I remove that from the blocked-uri list.

"csp-report": {
"blocked-uri": "",
"document-uri": "http://localhost:4200/data-grid",
"original-policy": "default-src 'none'; script-src http://localhost:4200 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' http://localhost:49152; font-src http://localhost:4200; connect-src http://localhost:4200 ws://localhost:49152 ws:// http://localhost:4200; img-src http://localhost:4200; style-src http://localhost:4200; media-src http://localhost:4200; report-uri http://localhost:4200/csp-report",
"referrer": "",
"violated-directive": "connect-src http://localhost:4200 ws://localhost:49152 ws:// http://localhost:4200"

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