lundi 23 mai 2016

EmberJS project by using add-ons

There is a problem I've been struggling with and this is my previous question about it: emberJS going back to exact position in the browser

To be more spesific,this is my twiddle :

I found a solution, which is using add-ons and I want to use 2 add-ons on my ember project. One of them is ember-cli-reset-scroll in order to keep de page up when a detail page is open, and other is ember-localstorage-adapter to persist scroll state between route transitions.

The problem is, I found these add-ons on git-hub but I can't find a proper way to integrate them into my project. I always see build errors. Is there a special way to use these add-ons? Because all I'm doing is writing npm install ember-cli-reset-scroll and then copy some codes from git-hub.

Anybody who can help, thank you.

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