samedi 28 mai 2016

Is there any way I can enforce an "API contract" when testing my web app's API and UI separately?

I'm developing an Ember.js app with a Phoenix API. I have followed someone's advice to keep the UI and API as separate projects, and I know that I can use ember-cli-mirage to mock my API during development and testing. But this makes me really nervous. I'm used to having a suite of integration tests that tests the UI and API together. I know for a fact that one day me or another developer is going to make a breaking change in one of the projects, and we won't realise it until users start complaining.

On the other hand, I really like the idea of mocking the API in the client where Ember.js is running. It should make development and testing really fast.

Is there a way that I can extract a high-level description of my API end points, and use that as a sanity check to make sure that my mocked API fulfills all of the requirements? For example, if I add or remove a route in my API server, I want my Ember.js tests to fail immediately if the mocked API doesn't match those changes. Because I know that this is going to happen one day. It's especially concerning if I want to use continuous deployment after successful builds.

Or should I just start up a real API server on the CI machine, and run my tests against that?

I kind of like the idea of enforcing an API contract, though. I could also reuse the principle in any future mobile or desktop apps. You get some guarantee of consistency without having to install a ton of dependencies and spin up a real API.

Another idea: Maybe I write a set of API acceptance tests, but run them against both the real and the mocked API. And then I could include the mocked API code (ember-cli-mirage) inside my main API repo, and link it into the Ember.js repo as a submodule.

How are people currently approaching this issue?

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