mercredi 25 mai 2016

Obtaining related Ember model data from within a route or component

I have a (product category) model with a many to many relationship eg

export default DS.Model.extend({
 name: DS.attr('string'),

My category route (product.items) is backed by this model, and it's no problem displaying the related product data:


However, I need to obtain the related data within the child route (product.items.item). The model hook for the route looks like this:

model(params) {
  let parentModel = this.modelFor('product.items'),
  let model ='product',;

  return Ember.RSVP.hash({

I can then then pass this model to a component.

What I am trying to do is access that related within a component (or within the route). Assuming the model is available in the component as parentModel I can access the name of the parent category as

 let name ='name');

I thought I could do the same for the related products ie

 let products ='products');

However, this doesn't return anything. Am I making a basic mistake here?

The reason I want to access the other products in the parent category, when viewing an item, is that I want the user to paginate through each item.

Using the JSONAPIAdapter.

Many thanks in advance!

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