jeudi 26 mai 2016

Ember. loader giff after action is trigger

I have an Ember app, that after clicking on a selector in a component, it triggers an action that does a transition to the same route(but with now a new value in the url). I'm trying to create a loading giff that is being displayed right when the action is triggered and is being hidden when the component with the new values is updated.


didUpdate() {

actions: {

  selectFromSelector: function (value) {

   this.sendAction('selectFromSelector', value);

The issue that I'm having is that the app takes some time to load and the giff is not displayed. If I remove the code that is supposed to hide the giff again, I realize that the giff is displayed when the component is rerendered,not when the user selects the option of the selector.

I have also implemented loading substates for transitions for different routes, but I think this may not work for this situation(transitionTo the same route)

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